Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Evidências Científicas - Pesquisa Básica 

Pesquisa Básica em Homeopatia - Revisões Gerais

Teixeira MZ. Trilingual e-book: Homeopathy is not Placebo Effect. Homeopathy. 2025 Jan 6. Epub ahead of print. 

Texto Completo / Full Text 

Teixeira MZ. Homeopathy is not placebo effect: proof of the scientific evidence for homeopathy in open access trilingual e-book. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2024;79:100456.

Texto Completo / Full Text 

Teixeira MZ. “Homeopathy is not placebo effect”: proof of the scientific evidence for homeopathy. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2024;70(4):e20231438.

Texto Completo / Full Text 

Teixeira, Marcus Zulian. “La homeopatía no es efecto placebo”: comprobación de las evidencias científicas en homeopatía (eBook Kindle). São Paulo: Marcus Zulian Teixeira, 2024, 385 p.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Teixeira, Marcus Zulian. “La homeopatía no es efecto placebo”: comprobación de las evidencias científicas en homeopatía (eBook PDF). São Paulo: Marcus Zulian Teixeira, 2024, 246 p.

Texto Completo / Full Text (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - BVS)

Teixeira, Marcus Zulian. “Homeopathy is not placebo effect”: proof of scientific evidence for homeopathy (eBook Kindle). São Paulo: Marcus Zulian Teixeira, 2024, 367 p.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Teixeira, Marcus Zulian. “Homeopathy is not placebo effect”: proof of scientific evidence for homeopathy (eBook PDF). São Paulo: Marcus Zulian Teixeira, 2024, 228p.

Texto Completo / Full Text (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - BVS) / Texto Completo / Full Text (Portal de Livros Abertos da USP)

Teixeira, Marcus Zulian. “Homeopatia não é efeito placebo”: comprovação das evidências científicas da homeopatia (eBook Kindle). São Paulo: Marcus Zulian Teixeira, 2023, 357p.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Teixeira, Marcus Zulian. “Homeopatia não é efeito placebo”: comprovação das evidências científicas da homeopatia (eBook PDF). São Paulo: Marcus Zulian Teixeira, 2023, 223p.

Texto Completo / Full Text (Biblioteca Visrtual em Saúde - BVS) / Texto Completo / Full Text (Portal de Livros Abertos da USP)

Homeopathy Research Institute. The Homeopathy Debate. (Descrição detalhada das manipulações científicas realizadas em 3 estudos elaborados com o evidente intuito de desqualificar a homeopatia e subtraí-la dos serviços públicos de saúde da Suíça, do Reino Unido e da Austrália, objetivo frustrado após essas reanálises evidenciarem os vieses metodológicos e o caráter anticientífico dos estudos).

Debate Completo / Full Debate / The Australian report (2015)The Swiss report (2011) The UK 'Science & Technology' report (2010) / The Lancet paper (2005)

Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (CREMESP). Dossiê Especial: Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo. Impressa) 2017; 80(Supl 1/2).

Dossiê Completo / Full Dossier

Technical Chamber for Homeopathy, Regional Medical Council of the State of São Paulo (CREMESP). Special Dossier: Scientific Evidences for Homeopath”. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo. Online) 2017; 80(3/4).

Texto Completo / Full Text / Dossiê Completo / Full Dossier

Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (CREMESP). Dossiê Especial: Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo. Online) 2017; 80(1/2).

Texto Completo / Full Text / Dossiê Completo / Full Dossier

Teixeira MZ. Scientific evidence of the homeopathic epistemological model. International Journal of High Dilution Research 2011; 10(34): 46-64.

Texto Completo / Full Text / Full Text (pdf)

Teixeira MZ. Evidências científicas da episteme homeopática. Revista de Homeopatia 2011; 74(1/2): 33-56.

Texto Completo / Full Text / Full Text (pdf)

Teixeira MZ. La evidencia científica del modelo epistemológico homeopático. La Homeopatía de México 2013; 82(685):5-20.

Texto Completo / Full Text / Full Text (pdf)


Pesquisa Básica em modelos físico-químicos e biológicos (in vitro, plantas e animais) - Metanálises / Revisões / Ensaios Controlados

Teixeira MZ. Trilingual e-book: Homeopathy is not Placebo Effect. Homeopathy. 2025 Jan 6. Epub ahead of print. 

Texto Completo / Full Text 

Teixeira MZ. Homeopathy is not placebo effect: proof of the scientific evidence for homeopathy in open access trilingual e-book. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2024;79:100456.

Texto Completo / Full Text 

Teixeira MZ. “Homeopathy is not placebo effect”: proof of the scientific evidence for homeopathy. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2024;70(4):e20231438.

Texto Completo / Full Text 

Mota DCGD, Ferreira ÉC, Ferraz FN, Souza MVF, Simões BL, Aleixo DL, Teixeira JJV, Araújo SM. Effects of Highly Diluted Drugs on Experimental Infection with Trypanosoma cruzi In Vivo: Systematic Review. J Altern Complement Med. 2020;26(10):866-883.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Bonamin LV. A solidez da pesquisa básica em homeopatia. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(Supl 1/2): 56-89.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Bonamin LV. The soundness of homeopathic fundamental research. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(3/4): 82-89.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Bonamin LV. A solidez da pesquisa básica em homeopatia. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(1/2): 89-97.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Waisse S. Efeito de ultradiluições homeopáticas em modelos in vitro: revisão da literatura. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(Supl 1/2): 57-65.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Waisse S. Effects of homeopathic high dilutions on in vitro models: literature review. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(3/4): 90-103.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Waisse S. Efeito de ultradiluições homeopáticas em modelos in vitro: revisão da literatura. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(1/2): 98-112.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Teixeira MZ, Carneiro SMTPG. Efeito de ultradiluições homeopáticas em plantas: revisão da literatura. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(Supl 1/2): 66-78.

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Teixeira MZ, Carneiro SMTPG. Effects of homeopathic high dilutions on plants: literature review. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(13/4): 104-120.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Teixeira MZ, Carneiro SMTPG. Efeito de ultradiluições homeopáticas em plantas: revisão da literatura. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo). 2017; 80(1/2): 113-132.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Guedes JR, Carrasco S, Ferreira CM, Bonamin LV, Goldenstein-Schainberg C, Martins V, Capelozzi VL. A morphometric and molecular study of the apoptosis observed on tadpoles' tail explants under the exposition of triiodothyronine in different homeopathic dilutions. Homeopathy 2016; 105(3): 250-256.

Resumo / Abstract

Kokornaczyk MO, Baumgartner S, Betti L. Polycrystalline structures formed in evaporating droplets as a parameter to test the action of Zincum metallicum 30c in a wheat seed model. Homeopathy 2016; 105(2):173-9.

Resumo / Abstract

Trebbi G, Nipoti P, Bregola V, Brizzi M, Dinelli G; Betti L. Ultra high diluted arsenic reduces spore germination of Alternaria brassicicola and dark leaf spot in cauliflower. Hortic brasil 2016; 34(3): 318-325.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Bonamin LV, Cardoso TN, de Carvalho AC, Amaral JG. The use of animal models in homeopathic research-a review of 2010-2014 PubMed indexed papers. Homeopathy 2015; 104(4): 283-291.

Resumo / Abstract

Jäger T, Scherr C, Shah D, et al. The use of plant-based bioassays in homeopathic basic research. Homeopathy 2015; 104(4): 277-282.

Resumo / Abstract

Endler PC, Bellavite P, Bonamin L, Jäger T, Mazon S. Replications of fundamental research models in ultra high dilutions 1994 and 2015--update on a bibliometric study. Homeopathy 2015; 104(4): 234-245.

Resumo / Abstract

Stock-Schroer B. Reporting Experiments in Homeopathic Basic Research (REHBaR). Homeopathy 2015; 104(4): 333-336.

Resumo / Abstract

Scherer-Pongratz W, Endler PC, Lothaller H, Stephen S. Wheat and ultra high diluted silver nitrate--further experiments and re-analysis of data. Homeopathy 2015; 104(4): 246-249.

Resumo / Abstract

Endler PC, Scherer-Pongratz W, Lothaller H, Stephen S. Wheat and ultra high diluted gibberellic acid--further experiments and re-analysis of data. Homeopathy 2015; 104(4): 257-262.

Resumo / Abstract

Special Issue: Ultra High Dilution 1994 revisited after 21 years. Edited by P.C. Endler, J. Schulte and B. Stock-Schröer. Homeopathy 2015; 104(4): 221-344.

Resumo / Abstract

Special Issue: Homeopathy, Hormesis, Nanoparticles and Nanostructures. Edited by Iris Bell, Edward Calabrese, Andrea Dei, John Ives. Homeopathy 2015; 104(2): 67-160.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Marotti I, Betti L, Bregola V, Bosi S, Trebbi G, Borghini G, Nani D, Dinelli G. Transcriptome profiling of wheat seedlings following treatment with ultrahigh diluted arsenic trioxide. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2014;2014:851263.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Majewsky V, Scherr C, Arlt SP, Kiener J, Frrokaj K, Schindler T, Klocke P, Baumgartner S. Reproducibility of effects of homeopathically potentised gibberellic acid on the growth of Lemna gibba L. in a randomised and blinded bioassay. Homeopathy 2014;103(2):113-26.

Resumo / Abstract

Oliveira JSB, Maia AJ, Schwan-Estrada KRF, Bonato CM, Carneiro SMTPG, Picoli MHS. Activation of biochemical defense mechanisms in bean plants for homeopathic preparations. Afri J Agric Res 2014; 9(11): 971-981.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Clausen J, van Wijk R, Albrecht H. Geographical and temporal distribution of basic research experiments in homeopathy. Homeopathy 2014; 103(3): 193-197.

Resumo / Abstract

Teixeira MZ. Efeito rebote dos fármacos modernos: evento adverso grave desconhecido pelos profissionais da saúde [Rebound effect of modern drugs: serious adverse event unknown by health professionals]. Rev Assoc Med Bras 2013; 59(6): 629-638.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Teixeira MZ. Similia similibus curentur: o princípio de cura homeopático fundamentado na farmacologia moderna [Similia similibus curentur: the homeopathic healing principle based on modern pharmacology]. Rev Medicina (São Paulo) 2013; 92(3): 183-203.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Hribar-Marko S, Graunke H, Scherer-Pongratz W, Lothaller H, Endler PC. Prestimulation of wheat seedlings with gibberellic acid followed by application of an agitated high dilution of the same hormone. Int J High Dilution Res 2013; 12(42): 26-39.

Resumo / Abstract

Betti L, Trebbi G, Olioso D, Marzotto M, Bellavite P. Basic research in homeopathy and ultra-high dilutions: what progress is being made? Homeopathy 2013; 102(2): 151-154.

Resumo / Abstract

Oliveira JSB, Carneiro SMTPG, Schwan-Estrada KRF, Mesquini RM, Bonato CM, Romano EDB. Patogenesia do óleo essencial e homeopatias de Eucalyptus citriodora em plantas de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris). Rev Bras Plantas Med 2013, 15(4): 734-741.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Kiefer P, Matzer W, Schiestl S, et al. Wheat germination and highly diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10-30) – a multi researcher study. Int J High Dilution Res 2012; 11(39): 45-59.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Guedes JR, Carrasco S, Ferreira CM, Bonamin LV, Souza W, Goldenstein-Schainberg C, Parra ER, Capelozzi VL. Ultra high dilution of triiodothyronine modifies cellular apoptosis in Rana catesbeiana tadpole tail in vitro. Homeopathy 2011; 100(4): 220-227.

Resumo / Abstract

Jäger T, Scherr C, Simon M, Heusser P, Baumgartner S. Development of a test system for homeopathic preparations using impaired duckweed (Lemna gibba L.). J Altern Complement Med 2011; 17(4): 315–323.

Resumo / Abstract

Brizzi M, Elia V, Trebbi G, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Betti L. The efficacy of ultramolecular aqueous dilutions on a wheat germination model as a function of heat and aging-time. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011; 2011: 696298.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Endler PC, Matzer W, Reich C, et al. Seasonal variation of the effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10e-30) on wheat stalk growth: A multiresearcher study. ScientificWorldJournal 2011; 11: 1667-1678.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Pfleger A, Hofacker J, Scherer-Pongratz W, Lothaller H, Reich C, Endler PC. The effect of extremely diluted agitated gibberellic acid (10e-30) on wheat stalk growth – A two researcher pilot study. Complement Ther Med 2011; 19(3): 164-169.

Resumo / Abstract

Santos FM, Monfort LEF, Castro DM, Pinto JEBP, Leonardi M, Pistelli L. Characterization of essencial oil and effects on growth of Verbena gratissima plants treated with homeopathic phosphorus. Nat Prod Commun 2011; 6(10): 1499-1504.

Resumo / Abstract

Clausen J, van Wijk R, Albrecht H. Review of the use of high potencies in basic research on homeopathy. Homeopathy 2011; 100(4): 288-92.

Resumo / Abstract

Jäger T, Scherr C, Shah D, Majewsky V, Betti L, Trebbi G, Bonamin L, Simões-Wüst AP, Wolf U, Simon M, Heusser P, Baumgartner S. Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with abiotically stressed plants. Homeopathy 2011; 100(4): 275-87.

Resumo / Abstract

Stock-Schröer B, Albrecht H, Betti L, Dobos G, Endler C, Linde K, Lüdtke R, Musial F, van Wijk R, Witt C, Baumgartner S. Reporting experiments in homeopathic basic research - Description of the checklist development. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2011; 2011: 639260.

Texto Completo / Full Text 

Carneiro SMTPG, Romano EDB, Pignoni E, Garbim THS, Oliveira BG, Teixeira MZ. Pathogenetic trial of boric acid in bean and tomato plants. Int J High Dilution Res 2011; 10(34): 37-45.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Carneiro SMTPG, Oliveira BG, Ferreira IF. Efeito de medicamentos homeopáticos, isoterápicos e substâncias em altas diluições em plantas: revisão bibliográfica. Rev Homeopatia (São Paulo) 2011; 74(1/2): 9-32.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Carneiro SMTPG, Romano EDB, Pignoni E, Garbim THS, Oliveira BG, Teixeira MZ. Experimentação patogenética de ácido bórico em feijoeiro e tomateiro. Rev Homeopatia (São Paulo) 2011; 74(1/2): 1-8.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Endler P, Thieves K, Reich C, et al. Repetitions of fundamental research models for homeopathically prepared dilutions beyond 10(-23): a bibliometric study. Homeopathy 2010; 99(1): 25-36.

Resumo / Abstract

Hartung H, Schiestl S, Matzer W, Endler PC. Wheat germination (20 hrs) and extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10e-30): explorative experiments on a fundamental homoeopathy research model. Eur J Integr Med 2010; 2: 224-225.

Resumo / Abstract

Jäger T, Scherr C, Simon M, Heusser P, Baumgartner S. Effects of homeopathic Arsenicum album, nosode, and gibberellic acid preparations on the growth rate of arsenic-impaired duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) ScientificWorldJournal 2010; 10: 2112-2129.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Bonamin LV, Endler PC. Animal models for studying homeopathy and high dilutions: conceptual critical review. Homeopathy 2010; 99(1): 37-50.

Resumo / Abstract

Betti L, Trebbi G, Zurla M, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Brizzi M. A review of three simple plant models and corresponding statistical tools for basic research in homeopathy. ScientificWorldJournal 2010; 10: 2330-47.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Special Issue: Biological models of homeopathy Part 2. Edited by Stephen Baumgartner, Paolo Bellavite, Leoni Bonamin, Chris Endler and Robert Mathie. Homeopathy, Volume 99, Issue 1, Pages 1-88 (January 2010).

Resumo / Abstract

Betti L, Trebbi G, Majewsky V, et al. Use of homeopathic preparations in phytopathological models and in field trials: a critical review. Homeopathy 2009; 98(4): 244-266.

Resumo / Abstract

Majewsky V, Arlt S, Shah D, et al. Use of homeopathic preparations in experimental studies with healthy plants. Homeopathy 2009; 98(4): 228-243.

Resumo / Abstract

Lahnstein L, Binder M, Thurneysen A, et al. Isopathic treatment effects of Arsenicum album 45X on wheat seedling growth--further reproduction trials. Homeopathy 2009; 98(4): 198-207.

Resumo / Abstract

Sainte-Laudy J, Belon P. Inhibition of basophil activation by histamine: a sensitive and reproducible model for the study of the biological activity of high dilutions. Homeopathy 2009; 98(4): 186-197.

Resumo / Abstract

Scherr C, Simon M, Spranger J, Baumgartner S. Effects of potentised substances on growth rate of the water plant Lemna gibba L. Complement Ther Med 2009; 17(2): 63-70.

Resumo / Abstract

Shah-Rossi D, Heusser P, Baumgartner S. Homeopathic treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana plants infected with Pseudomonas syringae. ScientificWorldJournal 2009; 9: 320-330.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Garbim THS, Carneiro SMTPG, Romano EDB, Teixeira MZ. Experimentação patogenética em feijoeiro para elaboração de Matéria Vegetal Homeopática. Rev Bras Agroecologia 2009; 4(2): 1020-1024.

Resumo / Abstract

Special Issue: Biological models of homeopathy Part 1. Edited by Stephen Baumgartner, Paolo Bellavite, Leoni Bonamin, Chris Endler and Robert Mathie. Homeopathy, Volume 98, Issue 4, Pages 183-302 (October 2009).

Resumo / Abstract

Lingg G, Endler PC, Frass M, Lothaller H. Treatment of highland frogs from the two-legged stage with homeopathically prepared thyroxin (10-11 - 10-21). ScientificWorldJournal 2008; b8: b446-50.

Resumo / Abstract

Baumgartner S, Shah D, Schaller J, Kampfer U, Thurneysen A, Heusser P. Reproducibility of dwarf pea shoot growth stimulation by homeopathic potencies of gibberellic acid. Complement Ther Med 2008; 16(4): 183-191.

Resumo / Abstract

Weber S, Endler PC, Welles SU, et al. The effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxine on highland frogs: influence of electromagnetic fields. Homeopathy 2008; 97(1): 3-9.

Resumo / Abstract

Nani D, Brizzi M, Lazzarato L, Betti L. The role of variability in evaluating ultra high dilution effects: considerations based on plant model experiments. Forsch Komplementmed 2007; 14(5): 301-305.

Resumo / Abstract

Scherr C, Simon M, Spranger J, Baumgartner S. Duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) as a test organism for homeopathic potencies. J Altern Complement Med 2007; 13(9): 931-937.

Resumo / Abstract

Welles SU, Endler PC, Scherer-Pongratz W, et al. Pretreatment with thyroxin 10(-8) and the effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxin 10(-30) on highland frogs--a multi-researcher study. Forsch Komplementmed 2007; 14(6): 353-357.

Resumo / Abstract

Special Issue: The memory of water. Edited by Martin Chaplin. Homeopathy, Volume 96, Issue 3, Pages 141-230 (July 2007).

Resumo / Abstract

Baumgartner S. Reproductions and reproducibility in homeopathy: Dogma or tool? J Altern Complement Med 2005; 11(5): 771-772.

Resumo / Abstract

Brizzi M, Lazzarato L, Nani D, Borghini F, Peruzzi M, Betti L. A biostatistical insight into As2O3 high dilution effects on the rate and variability of wheat seedling growth. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2005; 12(5): 277-283.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Guggisberg AG, Baumgartner SM, Tschopp CM, Heusser P. Replication study concerning the effects of homeopathic dilutions of histamine on human basophil degranulation in vitro. Complement Ther Med 2005; 13(2): 91-100.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Binder M, Baumgartner S, Thurneysen A. The effects of a 45x Potency of Arsenicum album on wheat seedling growth -- a reproduction trial. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2005; 12(5): 284-291.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Walach H, Jonas WB, Ives J, van Wijk R, Weingärtner O. Research on homeopathy: state of the art. J Altern Complement Med 2005; 11(5): 813-29.

Resumo / Abstract

Belon P, Cumps J, Ennis M, Mannaioni PF, Roberfroid M, Sainte-Laudy J, Wiegant FA. Histamine dilutions modulate basophil activation. Inflamm Res 2004; 53(5): 181-188.

Resumo / Abstract

Guedes JR, Ferreira CM, Guimarães HM, Saldiva PH, Capelozzi VL. Homeopathically prepared dilution of Rana catesbeiana thyroid glands modifies its rate of metamorphosis. Homeopathy 2004; 93(3): 132-137.

Resumo / Abstract

Baumgartner S, Thurneysen A, Heusser P. Growth stimulation of dwarf peas (Pisium sativum L.) though homeopathic potencies of plant growth substances. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2004; 11(5): 281-292.

Resumo / Abstract

Betti L, Lazzarato L, Trebbi G, et al. Effects of homeopathic arsenic on tobacco plant resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. Theoretical suggestions about system variability, based on a large experimental data set. Homeopathy 2003; 92(4): 195-202.

Resumo / Abstract

Lorenz I, Schneider EM, Stolz P, Brack A, Strube J. Influence of the diluent on the effect of highly diluted histamine on basophil activation. Homeopathy 2003; 92(1): 11-18.

Resumo / Abstract

Endler PC, Lüdtke R, Heckmann C, et al. Pretreatment with thyroxine (10-(8) parts by weight) enhances a 'curative' effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxine (10-(13)) on lowland frogs. Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 2003; 10(3): 137-142.

Resumo / Abstract

Becker-Witt C, Weisshuhn TE, Ludtke R, Willich SN. Quality assessment of physical research in homeopathy. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 2003; 9(1): 113-32.

Resumo / Abstract

Teixeira MZ. Pesquisa básica em homeopatia: revisão bibliográfica [Basic research in homeopathy: a bibliographic revision]. Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo) 2001; 66(2): 5-26.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Brizzi M, Nani D, Peruzzi M, Betti L. Statistical analysis of the effect of high dilutions of arsenic in a large dataset from a wheat germination model. Br Homeopath J 2000; 89(2): 63-67.

Resumo / Abstract

Betti L, Brizzi M, Nani D, Peruzzi M. Effect of high dilutions of Arsenicum album on wheat seedlings from seed poisoned with the same substance. Br Homeopath J 1997; 86(2): 86-89.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Linde K, Jonas WB, Melchart D, Worku F, Wagner H, Eitel F. Critical review and meta-analysis of serial agitated dilutions in experimental toxicology. Human Experimental Toxicology 1994; 13(7): 481-92.

Resumo / Abstract

Betti L, Brizzi M, Nani D, Peruzzi M. A pilot statical study with homeopathic potencies of Arsenicum album in wheat germination as a simple model. Br Homeopath J 1994; 83(4): 195-201.

Texto Completo / Full Text

Scofield M. Homeopathy–and its potential role in agriculture–a critical review. BAH 1984; 2: 1-50.

Resumo / Abstract


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Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Prof. Dr. Marcus Zulian Teixeira
Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 352 - Cj.128
CEP 05406-000 - São Paulo - SP
(11) 3083-5243 | 3082-6980
Todos os direitos reservados a Marcus Zulian Teixeira - Escritório de Direitos Autorais - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional