Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Interesse Geral 

Genomic Homeopathy: use of auto-isotherapic of DNA as gene expression modulator in chronic diseases 

Genomic Homeopathy: isopathic use of auto-sarcode of DNA (auto-isotherapic of DNA) as homeopathic therapeutic modulator of gene expression in the management of chronic diseases.

Available at: ResearchGate


"Telomere and telomerase: biological markers of organic vital force state and homeopathic treatment effectiveness" - Homeopathy, 2021

"Correlation between vitalism and genetics according to the paradigm of complexity" - Homeopathy, 2020

"Isopathic use of auto-sarcode of DNA as anti-miasmatic homeopathic medicine and modulator of gene expression?- Homeopathy, 2019





"Telomere length: biological marker of cellular vitality, aging, and health-disease process" - Revista Associação Medica Brasileira, 2021





Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Prof. Dr. Marcus Zulian Teixeira
Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 352 - Cj.128
CEP 05406-000 - São Paulo - SP
(11) 3083-5243 | 3082-6980
Todos os direitos reservados a Marcus Zulian Teixeira - Escritório de Direitos Autorais - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional