Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Publicações do Autor 

Interconnection between health-spirituality-religiosity in medical education - Revista de Medicina 

Interconnection between health, spirituality and religiosity: importance of teaching, research and assistance in medical education - Revista de Medicina (São Paulo) - FMUSP

Teixeira, Marcus Zulian. Interconnection between health, spirituality and religiosity: importance of teaching, research and assistance in medical education. Revista de Medicina (São Paulo) 2020; 99(2): 134-147.

Available at: http://www.revistas.usp.br/revistadc/article/view/149273



Introduction: Since the beginnings of mankind, all populations have valued the correlation between health and the binomial spirituality-religiosity (S/R), although they have been separated in modern medical practice. In recent decades, there has been an increase in studies and researches that endorse the need to reconsider this integrative approach, with evident increase in health care. Objective: The article emphasizes the importance and necessity of teaching, research and assistance in medical education. Method: Narrative review of the literature conducted in 2018 from the publications in MEDLINE (via PubMed) and LILACS (via VHL) databases. Results: Describing the panorama of the studies that demonstrate the positive effects of the spiritual and religious practices on the physical and mental health of the individuals, this review evidences that its incorporation to the other therapies can increase the coping and the clinical evolution in numerous diseases. Conclusion: However, appropriately designed research should be conducted to differentiate the specific therapeutic effect of spiritual and religious interventions from the non-specific therapeutic effect or placebo effect that spiritual and religious symbolism arouses in the patients’ psyche.


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Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Prof. Dr. Marcus Zulian Teixeira
Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 352 - Cj.128
CEP 05406-000 - São Paulo - SP
(11) 3083-5243 | 3082-6980
Todos os direitos reservados a Marcus Zulian Teixeira - Escritório de Direitos Autorais - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional