Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Publicações do Autor 

Brain oscillations as an objective neurophysiological biomarker of homeopathic subjective well-being 

Brain Wave Oscillations as an Objective Neurophysiological Biomarker of Homeopathic Subjective Well-Being - Homeopathy - 2024

Teixeira MZ. Brain Wave Oscillations as an Objective Neurophysiological Biomarker of Homeopathic Subjective Well-Being. Homeopathy. 2024 Apr 18. doi: 10.1055/s-0044-1779706. Epub ahead of print. 

Disponível em: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38636544 / https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0044-1779706 

                      Associação Médica Homeopática Brasileira (AMHB)



Background: Homeopathy uses the "similitude principle" to arouse a therapeutic reaction in the body against its own disorders. For this to occur optimally, the medicinal pathogenetic effects must present similarity with the totality of the individual's symptoms. To assess if this similarity has been successfully achieved, Hahnemann states that "improvement in the disposition and mind"-i.e., subjective well-being-is the most important parameter to consider.

Aim: Our aim was to perform a narrative review of the literature, exploring what is known about subjective well-being as a marker of therapeutic action, and to formulate ways in which subjective well-being might be quantifiable and applied in future homeopathy research.

Results: The concept of subjective well-being has been extensively studied in the complementary and conventional medical literature. Improved well-being has been observed in clinical trials, including those in the fields of positive psychology and meditation. Positive subjective outcomes of this nature are supported by objective evidence through associated changes in brain oscillatory activity using electroencephalography and/or "brain mapping" by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Neurophysiological responses in the brain have been identified in subjects after they ingested a homeopathic medicine.

Conclusions: The concept of subjective well-being is supported by a body of literature and is a measurable entity. When viewed from the perspective of electrophysiological changes, brain activity is an objective neurophysiological biomarker with a potential to quantify individual well-being in the context of homeopathy research.


Ciência, Filosofia e Arte de Curar

Prof. Dr. Marcus Zulian Teixeira
Rua Teodoro Sampaio, 352 - Cj.128
CEP 05406-000 - São Paulo - SP
(11) 3083-5243 | 3082-6980
Todos os direitos reservados a Marcus Zulian Teixeira - Escritório de Direitos Autorais - Fundação Biblioteca Nacional